
 2021-04-08 07:04

摘 要




Research on the Application of employee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai small and medium-sized Enterprises in China


With the development of economy in our country,the country pays more and more attention to encouraging people to start a business. Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shanghai in Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone,as a developed area of the whole country,a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have emerged. The upsurge of entrepreneurship brings about a hundred flowers of enterprises,and the competition of many enterprises has also led to severe challenges,especially those small and medium-sized enterprises with backward production technology and unreasonable industrial structure are even more difficult. Small and medium-sized enterprises occupy half of the rivers and mountains of Chinese enterprises, and are in the stage of development,its healthy and stable development is of great importance,and employee incentive is an important link in enterprise management activities, whether the incentive system is scientific or not. It is directly related to the transportation of human resources. The use is good or bad. Talent is the foundation of an enterprise. If an enterprise wants to run better,human resources should be well checked,especially the problem of employee motivation. Only in this way can we improve employee satisfaction and retain talents to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises.

As the most important economically developed region in China,the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone has important guiding research significance. This paper takes Jiangsu small and medium-sized enterprises as the main research object,Zhejiang and Shanghai,and strives to take the Yangtze River Delta region as the breakthrough point. It plays a guiding role in the application of employee incentive system in small and medium-sized enterprises in China.

Key words:employees incentives, small and medium-sized enterprises, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai ,Musano's hierarchy of demand theory


1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景和目的 - 1 -

1.2研究内容 - 1 -

1.2.1中小企业 - 1 -

1.2.2员工激励制度 - 1 -

1.3研究方法 - 1 -

1.3.1文献分析法 - 2 -

1.3.2调查研究法 - 2 -

1.4国内外研究现状 - 2 -

1.4.1国外关于激励员工的研究 - 2 -

1.4.2国内关于员工激励的现状 - 3 -

2 江浙沪中小型企业员工激励制度现状分析 - 4 -

2.1江浙沪中小企业现状分析 - 4 -

2.2江浙沪中小企业制度研究 - 4 -

2.2.1中国改革开放后民营企业制度 - 4 -

2.2.2无商不富的道理的总体情况 - 5 -

2.2.3长三角之激励制度 - 5 -

2.2.4江浙沪三种代表商业制度的对比 - 6 -

2.3江浙沪中小企业历史分析 - 6 -

2.3.1江~苏南模式 - 6 -

2.3.2浙~温州模式 - 7 -

2.3.3沪~张江模式 - 7 -

2.3.4中小企业~民营企业发展 - 8 -

2.4中小企业激励制度问题分析 - 9 -

2.4.1薪酬模式单一 - 9 -

2.4.2对技术型人员培训重视不够 - 9 -

2.4.3企业管理者激励意识薄弱 - 10 -

2.4.4激励缺乏灵活性 - 10 -

2.4.5企业文化建设未能发挥功效 - 11 -

2.4.6正负激励建设明显失衡 - 11 -

3 江浙沪中小企业激励制度的完善和改进措施 - 12 -

3.1重视对技术型员工进行职业生涯发展管理 - 12 -

3.2利用激励理论,增强激励意识 - 12 -

3.3激励要以人为本 - 12 -

3.4多种激励方式并存 - 13 -

3.5激励要有层次性和针对性 - 13 -

3.6加强员工激励的顶层设计 - 13 -

3.7发挥绩效考核和薪酬待遇功效 - 14 -

3.8重视思想政治教育的正向引导,树立企业文化 - 14 -

3.9坚持奖惩并举的员工激励原则 - 15 -

结论 - 16 -

致 谢 - 16 -

参考文献 - 17 -

1 绪论


自改革开放40年以来, 我国中小企业进入了快速发展的阶段,,民营企业已成为我国主要的企业组织形式,在我国的国家经济体系中扮演的角色越来越重要。为了使地区经济安全稳定健康的的继续发展,对中小型企业运营制度的指导成为当前的重要问题。作为全国经济发达区域,江浙沪地区的中小型企业发展历程时间段、经验少,资产实力相对来说比较薄弱,与此同时,江浙沪的中小型企业也面领着内部的激励竞争,甚至很多的中小型企业都没有其专属的人力资源部门,缺乏系统地管理奖惩制度。而对于一个企业最重要的莫过于组成企业的人才,所以人力资源的管理是一个企业的重中之重,激励制度的好坏与否成为每个企业不容忽视的管理关键。







员工激励是指企业通过各种方式方法, 通过满足员工直接或者间接需求,能够影响员工工作状态和工作效率的一些手段。

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