
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要



Marketing strategy analysis of Kexin DIY baking workshop


With the rapid development of the economy, the DIY baking industry in such a competitive society needs to be able to learn to grasp the opportunity, overcome the challenge, and develop a high quality business model to adapt to the current experience economy. This paper discusses the current development of DIY baking industry, taking Kexin DIY baking company as an example, focusing on experiential marketing products, focusing on the marketing focus on the experience rather than the product itself. First of all, through the study of Kexin DIY baking company, the existing business model, product structure, product characteristics, franchise and after-sales service are analyzed by SWOT analysis, and the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats are analyzed through the analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats. Then, according to Potter's five force model, the company is analyzed in the existing society. In the environment facing the competitive environment, from many angles, we should analyze how to put forward better marketing strategies and develop a better business model in this competitive environment. Then, on the basis of the above analysis, we should combine the 4P marketing theories commonly used internationally, from the four sides of products, prices, promotions and channels. A brief summary of some of the current situation that Kexin DIY baking company needs to change in the current business process is summarized. Finally, a series of research methods used in this article are summed up and the conclusions and suggestions are put forward one by one: to design more personalized products; to use more emphasis on heavy emotional marketing programs; to strengthen the business. Customer feedback system, the use of good customer suggestions to improve themselves; store business to avoid homogeneity, strengthen the localization of product services, to achieve regional characteristics to cultivate customers, so that the DIY baking the better.

Key words:Experiential marketing products , marketing strategy, Kexin DIY baking company


1. 绪论 7

1.1. 研究背景 7

1.2. 研究意义 7

1.3. 国内外理论研究综述 8

1.3.1. 网络整合营销理论 8

1.3.2. 直复营销理论 9

1.3.3. 个性化与体验营销理论 9

1.4. 研究内容及研究方法 9

1.4.1. 研究内容 9

1.4.2. 研究方法 11

2. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆以及烘焙行业概述 13

2.1. 基本情况 13

2.2. DIY烘焙产品的定义及烘焙行业的概述 13

2.3. DIY烘焙产品的特点 14

2.4. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆的发展历程 14

2.5. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆的目标市场 15

2.5.1. 消费者的基本特征 15

2.5.2. 影响消费者购买的主要因素 17

2.5.3. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆的目标市场 18

3. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆营销环境及营销策略分析 19

3.1. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆营销环境的SWOT分析 19

3.1.1. 竞争优势 19

3.1.2. 竞争劣势 19

3.1.3. 机会 20

3.1.4. 威胁 21

3.2. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆营销环境的波特五力模型分析 21

3.2.1. 同行业内现有竞争者的竞争能力 22

3.2.2. 潜在竞争者进入的能力 22

3.2.3. 替代品的替代能力 23

3.2.4. 供应商的讨价还价能力 23

3.2.5. 购买者的讨价还价能力 23

3.3. 可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆营销环境的4P策略 24

3.3.1. 产品策略 24

3.3.2. 价格策略 25

3.3.3. 渠道策略 26

3.3.4. 促销策略 26

4. 结论与建议 27

4.1. SWOT分析结论与建议 27

4.2. 波特五力模型分析结论与建议 27

4.3. 4P策略结论与建议 28

5. 结束语 30

致谢 31

参考文献 32

  1. 绪论
    1. 研究背景



    1. 研究意义

在我国现在的烘焙行业之中,可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆属于新兴企业,本文把研究可心DIY蛋糕烘焙生活馆的营销策略作为重点,运用营销策略的相关知识理论,对企业的营销现状等其他方面进行研究,并对可心DIY 蛋糕烘焙生活馆实际情况进行结合把相应对策及措施提出来,并评价营销效果,希望能够把一些有意义的建议去提供给现有烘焙行业的营销策略中去。

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