
 2021-04-08 07:04

摘 要



Research on Nintendo multi-platform business model


The purpose of this paper is to make a detailed study of nintendo's multi-platform business model and analyze how to help enterprises select a business model suitable for themselves.Multilateral platform are analyzed in this paper various aspects of business model, the nintendo company used in the development of business model, this article through the analysis of the business model canvas and profitability analysis way and then have to as heaven is profitable business model success, how to use a multilateral platform and combined with three in all aspects of multilateral platform business model is to choose the same business model, but also has the essential difference between enterprises: nintendo.Microsoft;SONY.By comparing the three main consoles, main game types, different operation modes, marketing modes and other aspects of three different enterprises in different periods, it is highlighted that "nintendo is the only ruler of the world".This paper gives a detailed description of the history of nintendo company and the use of the multi-platform business model, which is of great help to the understanding of nintendo and the multi-platform business model.This article concludes that in the case of the market and there is no successful experience, for such companies, their success is only appropriate or not, whether with its own corporate culture, whether for players to get what they want and can let the players know what they want to express, and nintendo are so successful, become the world's most people like enterprise, also is because of this.

Key words:Nintendo;muti-platform;business model;Microsoft;Sony.

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景和研究意义 - 1 -

1.1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.1.2研究意义 - 2 -

1.2研究思路和文章特色与创新 - 2 -

1.2.1研究思路 - 2 -

1.2.2特色与创新 - 3 -

1.3国内外文献综述 - 3 -

1.3.1国内文献综述 - 3 -

1.3.2国外文献综述 - 4 -

1.4概念与理论介绍:多边平台概述 - 5 -

1.4.1多边平台的定义 - 5 -

1.4.2多边平台的核心 - 6 -

1.4.3多边平台的成功的原因 - 7 -

1.4.4多边平台对未来的影响 - 8 -

2 任天堂的介绍 - 9 -

2.1任天堂的诞生 - 9 -

2.2任天堂的转型 - 10 -

2.3任天堂的壮大 - 14 -

3 商业模式分析 - 18 -

3.1任天堂的商业模式画布分析 - 18 -

3.1.1任天堂的商业模式画布 - 18 -

3.1.2任天堂的商业模式画布九大模块分析 - 19 -

3.2任天堂的商业模式的成功与错误 - 19 -

3.2.1任天堂的商业模式的成功 - 19 -

3.2.2任天堂的商业模式的错误 - 22 -

3.3商业模式分析结论 - 26 -

4 任天堂的盈利情况分析 - 27 -

4.1任天堂的财务状况 - 27 -

4.1.1任天堂的主要盈利途径 - 27 -

4.1.2任天堂的财报分析 - 28 -

4.2任天堂、索尼、微软盈利情况对比 - 30 -

4.3任天堂的盈利情况分析结论 - 30 -

结 论 - 31 -

致 谢 - 32 -

参考文献 - 33 -

附录:商业模式画布的定义 - 35 -

1 绪论




任天堂开发了游戏史上最热销游戏系列超级马里奥和精灵宝可梦,以及全球媒体综合评价最高的塞尔达传说系列。2007年,任天堂的市值排在日本第二位。 任天堂DS累积销量接近1.5亿台。2009全球最佳企业40强排行榜,任天堂排名全球第一。任天堂在全球游戏业中始终坚持反对暴力和色情,并以开发优秀的全年龄游戏为己任,保持着弥足珍贵的社会责任和企业操守。2016年4月27日,任天堂通过官方推特确认开发代号为NX的次世代全新概念的游戏主机将于2017年3月发售 。任天堂的股票在单天交易量突破了47600亿日元(约450亿美元)。


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