
 2021-04-08 07:04

摘 要




Research on Wal-Mart Logistics Distribution Model


With the rapid development of global e-commerce, the traditional retail industry has been impacted to a certain extent.How Wal-Mart, as a leader in the retail industry, meets the challenge and seizes the opportunity is worth exploring.Among them, the logistics distribution mode occupies the advantage. With the rise and development of large chain retail enterprises, logistics distribution has become an important factor in the development of enterprises.With the continuous development of global economy and the improvement of modernization level, people's demand for logistics distribution is increasing day by day.But our country logistics starts late, develops slowly, has the problem in many respects.Therefore, the study of Wal-Mart's logistics distribution mode is helpful for us to understand its advantages and disadvantages, to analyze the advanced logistics distribution system of foreign retailing, and to promote the development of China's retail logistics distribution system.Based on the key to the success of Wal-Mart logistics distribution model and the problems existing in China's retail industry, this paper analyzes the relevant experience to solve the problems existing in large supermarket chains in China.This paper is divided into five aspects. Firstly, this paper introduces Wal-Mart Company and its logistics and distribution mode, and expounds the research background and significance. Then the study of e-commerce enterprise logistics distribution mode and mode selection analysis of influencing factors.Secondly, the current situation and problems of Wal-Mart logistics distribution mode under 020 background are studied thoroughly. Then, the improvement strategy of Wal-Mart logistics distribution mode under O2O background is discussed. Finally, combined with the background of the times and the status quo of the retail industry to sum up.

Key words: Wal-Mart supermarket; logistics distribution mode; distribution center

目 录

1前言 1

1.1论文选题的背景和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2论文意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 有关连锁零售企业物流配送模式的研究 2

1.2.2有关物流配送模式现存问题的研究 2

1.2.3有关物流模式改进策略的研究 2

2连锁零售企业物流配送模式及模式选择影响因素 4

2.1自营配送模式—京东商城 4

2.1.1自营模式概念 4

2.1.2自营模式选择影响因素分析 4

2.2供应商直接配送模式—家乐福 5

2.2.1供应商直接配送模式概念 5

2.2.2供应商配送模式选择影响因素分析 5

2.3第三方物流配送模式—麦当劳 5

2.3.1第三方物流配送概念 5

2.3.2第三方配送模式选择影响因素分析 6

2.4共同配送模式—伊藤洋华堂 6

2.4.1共同配送模式概念 6

2.4.2共同配送模式选择影响因素分析 6

3 020背景下沃尔玛物流配送模式现状与问题 8

3.1沃尔玛物流配送模式现状分析 8

3.1.1高效的配送中心 8

3.1.2现代化的物流配送体系 9

3.1.3独特的配送运作方式 10

3.2.沃尔玛物流配送模式现存的问题 11

3.2.1成本较高 11

3.2.2信息系统发挥受阻 12

3.2.3缺少相关专业人才 12

3.2.4仓储数量少且分配不合理 12

4O2O背景下沃尔玛物流配送模式改进策略 14

4.1物流配送模式应多元化 14

4.1.1中心城市可以运用直接配送物流模式 14

4.1.2二三线城市网点较少可以进行高效配送 14

4.2完善物流信息系统 14

4.2.1完善信息系统 15

4.2.2确保信息真实有效性 15

4.2.3对供应商进行信息系统相关培训 15

4.3加快专业人才培养 15

4.3.1开展相关的教育培训 15

4.3.2内部培养 15

4.3.3对外招贤 16

4.4增加相应的配送中心 16

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19








1.2.1 有关连锁零售企业物流配送模式的研究

熊爱珍 (2009)认为关于B2C电子商务企业而言,绝大部分的商品都要由企业通过物流过程交到消费者手中,这才是实现商品实体的转移。

文龙光、余博(2009) 认为目前的主要模式有:(1)自营物流模式;(2)外包物流模式也称为第三方物流模式 ;(3)混合物流模式。

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