
 2021-04-08 07:04

摘 要




Seeing Supermarket Retailers' Supermarket Retail Operation Mode from "Super Species"


With the rapid economic development and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, people’s level of pursuit of material life is also increasing. The purchase of fresh food has become an integral part of people’s lives. The global new retail market is increasing in size. Large and small new retail brands are pouring in and market competition is particularly fierce. Especially in China, consumer demand will increase because of its large population,and China has increasingly become the largest and most promising fresh consumer market. Therefore, if new retailers want to occupy more market share, they must make every effort to change their business model and increase their efforts. Only in this way can we stabilize our foothold in this huge new retail market.

This article combines theory with practice, the use of questionnaires, case analysis methods, etc. for research and analysis. First of all, Through the study of predecessors, we collated and understood the research status of new retail brands. Secondly, through a number of case studies and analysis, a comparative analysis of the market environment, consumption status, and the competitiveness of the new domestic retail brand "super species" concluded that the problem of "super species" enterprises is weak branding ability and product positioning. Obscure, unstable marketing channels, etc. Third, analyze and propose that we can make changes to the operating model from the three channels of brand, product and marketing, and put forward the corresponding strategy. Finally, through the case analysis method, the “super species”, the super giant brand of fresh business, was analyzed and summarized.

Key words: Super-species; fresh supermarkets; new retail; operating models; case analysis


1 导论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

1.3研究方法 2

1.4研究总体框架和内容 2

2 新零售行业分析 3

2.1新零售的定义 3

2.2新零售的政策背景 3

2.3新零售的发展动因 4

2.4新零售时代的到来 4

3 “超级物种”的基本概况 6

3.1“超级物种”的概念 6

3.1.1高端超市 6

3.1.2生鲜和餐饮相结合 6

3.1.3一种“O2O”模式 7

3.2“超级物种”的发展状况 7

4 传统生鲜超市零售的概况 9

4.1传统生鲜超市概念 9

4.2传统生鲜超市经营的三大痛点 9

4.2.1成本难计算 9

4.2.2店铺难监管 10

4.2.3价格难同步 10

4.3“超级物种”的运营模式 11

4.3.1价签管理 12

4.3.2仓储/配送 12

4.3.3餐厅体验 12

5 影响生鲜商超新零售发展的因素 14

5.1数据挖掘 14

5.2消费体验 14

5.3政策支持 15

6 对于生鲜商超新零售运营模式的优化与建议 17

6.1优化 17

6.1.1数据化 17

6.1.2策划活动 18

6.1.3关注用户 18

6.2建议 19

结论 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

1 导论





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