摘 要
The Research on the Influence Factors of the Online Shopping Consumers’ Brand Loyalty
With the increase of the Internet and computer users, the way people access to information become more abundant and convenient. Driving digital media technologies, the media forms of brand communication has become very rich and consumers’ behavior has changed a lot. This change not only contains the diversification of the way people access to information, the difference between the purchase demand, personalized, but also reflects the uncertainty of the consumer brand attitude. Consumers in the brand's choice has added more factors, but also continue to affect the formation of consumer brand loyalty. In the network environment, the market competition is more and more big, The only way to gain more competitiveness is to improve customer loyalty. In addition, the importance of brand loyalty has been widely recognized by all walks, a lot of scholars have launched a brand loyalty and the brand loyalty in network environment research. At present, the domestic research on the brand loyalty and its influencing factors is not perfect, so it has lot significance for the study of the network brand loyalty and its influencing factors. Under the increasing pressure of market competition, shopping website and businesses need to full understand the virtual network market and develop appropriate marketing solutions, make full use of network technology, combined with the traditional way to meet customers’ demand better, to obtain higher competitiveness and establish the customer's brand loyalty better.
Key words:Online shopping; Brand loyalty; Consumers; Influencing factors
目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究目的及意义2
1.3 研究内容和方法2
1.4 本文研究创新点2
2 文献综述3
2.1 网络购物发展历程和现状3
2.2 品牌忠诚的概念3
2.3 国内外网络购物消费者品牌忠诚度影响因素的研究现状4
3 研究设计6
3.1 研究假设6
3.1.1 顾客满意与顾客品牌忠诚的相关关系8
3.1.2 品牌信任与顾客品牌忠诚的相关关系8
3.1.3 消费者因素9
3.1.4 网站因素10
3.1.5 产品因素11
3.1.6 品牌转移障碍12
3.1.7 社会环境13
3.2 问卷设计14
3.2.1 调查问卷的编制14
3.2.2 样本与数据采集14
4 数据分析与假设检验15
4.1 数据分析15
4.2 假设检验19
5 结论与讨论21
5.1 研究结论21
5.2 提出建议21
5.3 研究不足与未来研究方向22
5.3.1 研究不足22
5.3.2 未来研究方向22
1 绪论
近几年,互联网发展迅速,互联网用户大幅度增加。中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)第37次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》[1],报告显示,截至2015年12月,中国网民规模达6.88亿,互联网普及率达到50.3%,半数中国人已接入互联网。同时,移动互联网塑造了全新的社会生活形态,“互联网 ”行动计划不断助力企业发展,互联网对于整体社会的影响已进入到新的阶段。
研究表明,不管是传统购物还是网络购物环境下,顾客的忠诚度是支撑企业占据竞争优势的重要因素。建立和维护顾客忠诚度也是企业盈利的关键要素。Pareot的80/20法则表明,企业80%的盈利收入来自于20%的核心顾客[2]。另外有研究学者表明,顾客的重复购买率增加5%,企业获利将增加25%-100%[3]。Jupiter Research在《2005-2010美国在线零售预测》中指出,2006年以后,网络营销的主要关键,不再是通过获取新顾客带来利润,而是想办法增加现有顾客的花费,增加现有顾客与企业之间的粘度,提高顾客购物满意度和对品牌的忠诚度,从而获取更多的利润。